During my time at the Entertainment Technology Center, I took a Game Design course taught by Jesse Schell. One of the assignments was to create a game design reference "toolbox," by reviewing games we'd played in the past and analyzing what could be learned from them.
I decided to continue the trend in blog form. Rather than analyzing every game in depth, I try to remember at least one significant aspect or insight from past games and record them. I also track them by how old I was when I played the game (sometimes when I first played the game, but sometimes if I played it again later in my life and got a new insight from it).
I have stashed away a giant list of all the games I can ever remember playing, so I'm slowly plucking them out, remembering insights, and posting them here.
Note: The dates displayed in each entry aren't necessarily the dates the game came out, but rather, the date I can first remember playing the game (most discrepencies occur when I was little, where renting games was common practice for me)